Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페




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Personal Essay by Gina Ambrozi for 3rd Dan Testing


   It’s hard to believe the time has arrived for testing…Certified 3rd Dan…wow…what an honor!  I’m so excited, yet extremely nervous.  I have thought about this testing a million times and how I want it to be perfect.  While I know that testing’s are not always perfect, I also know that I plan to give it everything I have, so whatever happens, at least I will know in my heart that I tried my best and that is all that matters.

            I’m exceptionally excited about testing as a family.  Fritz and Austin and I all started on the same day, back in May of 2003.  Now here we are testing together for Certified 3rd Dan…it’s amazing.  It’s hard to believe that we’re coming up on 8 years of martial arts activities.  The classes are fun and a great source of exercise for us as a family and I enjoy it a great deal.  I know many nights I am exhausted from a long day or week and may even pout a little about going to class, but somehow the guys motivate me to go.  I appreciate this more than they will ever know.  (Thanks guys!)

            The masters and instructors are always willing to assist us or answer questions when I forget a technique, so for the hundreds of times they have helped me, I say thank you!  Without your help, I would certainly not be testing today.  This test means a great deal to me; it is yet another challenge I have willingly accepted in my life and I pray that I have what it takes to finish strong!  I know that dedication and perseverance is what pushed me to this testing, and I am counting on it to see me through it successfully.


To be Continued



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