Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페
Essay by Andrew Love for 3rd Dan Testing
I always
wanted to become a black belt, and I did, but now I am going for third
degree. My goal is to become a master
and start my own school based on the knowledge I have learned from Master Yu. Martial arts has
always been a part of my life, I know all the people at Yu’s Academy will
support me and treat me like a family member.
Martial arts helps me in my everyday life.
It helps me by being disciplined and to give
respect as others will give me respect.
On my journey I have hit times where I do not want to attend class, but
I know if you miss class you miss everything.
When I come to class I always try to work my hardest and if you don’t
work your hardest you will not get better than you already are.
I also try
to work with lower ranks to improve my skills on what I have already
learned. It has been one of the hardest
times but my dad has inspired me by all his hard work and dedication to move on
and just do it.
He kept reminding me that in the long run it
will all pay out and you will have a lot of knowledge to help you with your
life. My whole family is in martial arts
and they have given me support the whole time because they know I will always
be there for them even in the future.
I will continue in martial arts and continue
my journey in life knowing all the people at Yu’s Academy trust me and will
always be there for me.
To be Continued
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