Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페

1-  New Baby Birth Welcome Letter



Dear Abigail Nayoung () Hubbard,         April 16, 2013


Welcome to this wonderful world. You are such a blessing to all of us, we love you very much and you are blessed to have such a close family to support through your whole life.



Sometimes life has hard challenges and we have to make difficult decisions.  Kong Ja tells us in the Valuable Mirror to Enlighten Ones Soul that “we must speak from our mind and heart and our actions must be trustworthy.  Before you do something you have to plan it.  Always finish what you start and have a plan for your work”.



As you journey through your life remember I will always be there for you in any way I can and listen to you if you need someone to talk to.  I will push you, pull you, and even carry you if I can.



Always remember your family and friends.  They are there for you and will support you in good and rough times.  Also be thankful for this life that is yours it is a precious one.  There are many wonderful things that await you in the future.




Grandma & Grandpa Yu,

할머니 & 할아버지